The purpose of this week’s reading was to lay a theoretical foundation about culture and communication that we can then use to critically analyze real life situations.  After reflecting on these materials, consider the following points (in 3 pages):

  • In the reading “Multicultural Education, Transformative Knowledge & Action,” the author Dr. James Banks discusses the notion of what is called “positionality,” which has to do with social markers such as our race, gender, class, age, etc.  Based on this concept, how has your life been affected by your “positionality?”
  • Dr. Banks also names what he calls the five basic types of knowledge.  Based on this list, which are the most influential types of knowledge in your opinion?  Why?
  • Before this class, how would you have defined the term ‘culture?’
  • Has your definition or ideas about culture changed after doing the Week 1 readings?  Why or why not?

How do you differentiate about occupational safety and health implementation and practice of developed and developing countries ?

Write a 750- to 1,050-word proposal to create a mental health unit in a local police department.

Your proposal will:

  • Identify a need.
  • Include organizational management, administration, and operational aspects of the unit.
  • Discuss laws that may help or hinder the unit’s work and how the unit will manage those laws. 
  • Discuss staffing and costs.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

This assignment requires knowledge of family law and its proceedings please do not bid if you do not have the knowledge i would prefer lawyers or paralegals in this field

The instructions for this assignment will be found in the attachment labeled “Family_Law_Assignment” I will also include samples of the various documents you may need.

*Please do not bid if you do not choose to accept the price im offering because this price is not subject to change

*Florida Family Laws apply*