ITC596 IT Risk Management( ASSIGNMENT 1)
Examine the following case study:
1. Use a diagram (produced by the means of using Rationale, Visio or any other relevant software application of your choice) to illustrate current security risks and concerns considered by the VIC government.
2. Provide detailed explanation of the diagram and identify the areas of: high, medium, medium-low, and low risk exposure.
3. Carry out comparative analysis of the Deliberate and Accidental Threats and rank those threats in order of importance. Justify your rankings not only on the basis of the case study but also by the means of doing further research and drawing upon other relevant case studies (e.g. Security guidelines for other private and public organizations) that you can identify.



Use a diagram (produced by the means of using Rationale, Visio or… 1 answer below » was first posted on July 24, 2020 at 12:47 pm.
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Use a diagram (produced by the means of using Rationale, Visio or… 1 answer below » was first posted on July 24, 2020 at 12:51 pm.
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Now that you have conceptualized your papers, developed a clear argument outline for your paper, conducted research on your topic and provided your annotated bibliographies, now it is time to create your final papers.

Overall Comments:

You must do the “thinking through” of the paper before you simply start writing your final paper:

  • It was clear that many of you still struggle with the difference between presenting information and creating an argument that uses literature to substantiate the argument that YOU are making.
  • Just because you are doing a literature review does not mean that presenting literature is sufficient. Many of students’ literature reviews read like expanded annotated bibliographies and there was no clear direction or argument embedded in the review.
  • Please make sure that your final papers are properly edited for clarity, syntax, flow and transitions.
  • Speaking of transitions, many of students fail to provide the reader with sufficient transitional statements between paragraphs and sections of the paper. In many of students’ papers, it was unclear the rationale for the order of the paper and how and why it was organized in a particular way. Remember the structure and form of the paper helps with building the argument for your paper and helping the reader “follow” your logic and intention throughout the paper.
  • It was also clear that many of students felt like just “giving literature” is sufficient to substantiating a claim or making an argument. It is not. You must have a reason and rationale for EVERYTHING that you put in your work and this reason must be clear to you and the reader.
  • Here are a few details about the overall research paper.
    • Please look at the attached rubric for details on how the paper will be graded.
    • You must reference at least two (2) peer-reviewed articles or papers that support your thesis statement and overall you need to include at least 7 resources for the whole paper.
    • The final paper must be at least 500 words in length (but NOT longer than 1000 words, DO NOT exceed 500 words by a material amount. Excessive words or too many references will NOT impress me.)
    • Most of your references may be from your annotated bibliography assignment. Please check the attached file for Synthesizing Multiple Sources to write a literature review.


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Ant c1

“Stress, like Einstein’s theory of relativity, is a scientific concept which has suffered from the mixed blessing of being too well known and too little understood.” (Dr Hans Selye)

In this assignment, you will be exploring your own knowledge of stress and how this compares with the current research on short- and long-term effects of stress on the brain.

Take the quiz at the following link:Test Your Stress IQ. WebMD. Retrieved from

After completing the quiz, read about the most common myths about stress described by the APA at the following link:

Case Questions:

Answer the following questions to complete your Case assignment. Please see the assignment expectations below for additional details on completing your essay for Module 1.

  1. Describe your quiz results from the APA. How well did you do? Did any of the answers surprise you? Why?
  2. After viewing the most common myths associated with stress from the APA website, discuss which concept you believe is the most misunderstood. Give support for your reasons (using your own research and sources for support).
  3. Watch the following video on “How Stress Affects Your Brain.” Learn how chronic stress can affect brain size, structure, and function, right down to the level of your genes.Murgia, M. (n.d.). Ted Talks. How stress affects your brain . Retrieved February 11, 2017, from
  4. How is the brain affected differently by short-term stress versus long-term stress? Provide examples for both types of stress.
  5. There’s been a lot of research into how chronic stress changes the brain. Do you think stress could be a good thing if managed effectively? Why (in what potential situations?)


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