Why are proposals, whether informal or formal, so important to businesses? How do proposals differ from other types of business reports
Chapter 10 discusses proposals (informal and formal) and formal reports. Let’s start with what a business report is.
DEFINITION (this goes a little beyond what is in your textbook in Ch. 10): A business report is an orderly and objective presentation of factual information used in decision making and problem solving. Keep the concepts of “orderly” (organized) and “objective” (unbiased) firmly in mind as you prepare business reports.
The chapter first discusses proposals (informal or formal), which are a special type of report that offers to solve a problem, provide a service or sell a product.
The chapter then discusses steps for “writing formal business reports” (learning objective 2), including everyting from understanding purpose, scope, and audience, to conducting primary and secondary research (learnning objective 3), to creating and integrating visual aids (learning objective 5).
It then concludes with “report components” (learning objective 6) – those elements added to a report to make it formal, which take into consideration the complexity of the problem being addressed and the level of the primary auidence (i.e., board of directors).
1) Why are proposals, whether informal or formal, so important to businesses? How do proposals differ from other types of business reports?
2) Business reports need to be organized logically (be orderly), with recommendations based on solid facts (be objective). Why is it important for a report to be organized logically? How will the reader know what that organization is?
3) Why are visual aids (graphics) important in formal business reports?
The section you read for this week from Chapter 11, on “adding value to professional teams,” is crucial because you will, at some point in your professional career, be required to work collaboratively with a team to create a document (as you will in this class) or to build something (such as a product).
1) What aspect of teamwork (collaboration) do you find to be most challenging, especially considering the nature of “virtual teams”? What do you do to overcome this challenge?
The post Why are proposals, whether informal or formal, so important to businesses? How do proposals differ from other types of business reports ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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