

My research topic: Factors affecting cognitive development in children.

Week 4

Research Simulation, Part 2

As you know, these research simulations are intended as an opportunity for you to engage in the major steps of the research process on a manageable scale. As well, they are designed to deepen your knowledge of the research process and make you a more informed critical consumer of research in early childhood. Your task this week is to develop a research question from your topic of interest, determine the time orientation of your research simulation, the setting for it, and the participants.

Fill out the chart below.



State your research subtopic which you developed in Week 3

Based on your chosen subtopic, now state a specific research question which will guide your research simulation. Remember to make the scope of your question narrow and focused.

What time orientation will your study have: will it focus on the present, the past, or the future? Explain briefly.

Where will you conduct your study (laboratory, home, school setting, somewhere else)?

Who will the study participants be?