Where have you seen the 4 P’s? In this discussion board you will choose a commercial that you personally have enjoyed and explain how the advertisement pertains to one of the 4 P’s. Remember, the 4 P’s of marketing are place, price, product, and promotion

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central). Where have you seen the 4 P’s? In this discussion board you will choose a commercial that you personally have enjoyed and explain how the advertisement pertains to one of the 4 P’s. Remember, the 4 P’s of marketing are place, price, product, and promotion. A great example is Coca-Cola and Super Bowl commercials. Over 100 million consumers watched the Super Bowl last year. In addition to watching which team wins this is a great place for Promotion. During the game brands compete for the unofficial title of best ad, with the ultimate goal of boosting sales. Coca-Cola has had many memorable commercials through this medium promoting their products to millions of fans. Coca-Cola chooses the Super Bowl because promoting their product during the game will reach millions of people. Now it’s your turn, it can be a commercial you recently saw on television, an advertisement ran by a company you like or a brand you use often, chose one that you personally liked and explain in 250 words why you liked the advertisement and chose one of the 4 P’s to explain how it pertains to you the advertisement you chose. Responses to Other Students:Respond to at least 1 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions: What did you learn from your classmate’s posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting? What clarification do you need regarding the posting? What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings? For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Other Instructions Please do not over think this assignment. I should have a good idea that you understand the 4 P’s of marketing after I read your posting. You may use any brand or commercial you like. Instructor’s Comments Please see my example in the DB itself: Discussion Board example answer: The 4 P’s of marketing are: Product: What is the value proposition? What makes the product unique or special? Place: Where can I purchase this product? How is the product distributed? Price: How much does the product cost in money? Time? Emotional investment? Promotion: How does the brand communicate the value proposition and the unique product attributes? My commercial: Progressive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meiFIZgCTzM This commercial communicates the value proposition (Product) by explaining that the customer is safe with progressive, they have them covered with insurance creating a “peace of mind feeling”. They focus on the coverage aspect of insurance. They include elements of pricing by letting the audience know they have bundled pricing discounts and they drive the customer to the website at the end of the commercial for a call to action. The call to action is the phone number and website that plays on the bottom of the screen. This drives the customer to take action. I like this commercial because it provides all the key elements for successful advertising including; identifying the product immediately, creating an emotional response, and providing a clear call to action. This means they are delivering on every aspect of the promotion “P”. Progressive has built a strong brand personality by using Flo to connect with the consumer providing human characteristics to the brand. Using a character that represents your brands personality and core principles helps the customer connect and believe the brands credibility. Progressive continues with the Flo theme in all their advertising capitalizing on the brand awareness in the marketplace.
The post Where have you seen the 4 P’s? In this discussion board you will choose a commercial that you personally have enjoyed and explain how the advertisement pertains to one of the 4 P’s. Remember, the 4 P’s of marketing are place, price, product, and promotion ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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The post Where have you seen the 4 P’s? In this discussion board you will choose a commercial that you personally have enjoyed and explain how the advertisement pertains to one of the 4 P’s. Remember, the 4 P’s of marketing are place, price, product, and promotion appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.