What we actually learn about alcohol consumption during Prohibition. In other words, what are your stories actually saying? What news are they reporting and how do the issues they raise relate to Prohibition
For this assignment we are going to read four newspaper articles on alcohol consumption during Prohibition to try to get a sense of how historians apply close reading and context to help them understand primary sources.
Read at least 3 of the 4 articles from The Atlanta Constitution provided. Focus on when and where the articles are set (not always in Atlanta!) Additionally, you should pay attention to the the settings in which these issues are taking place or being discussed. What do these articles actually say and how does the fact that they were published during Prohibition influence what is said there?
As you write, think about:
What we actually learn about alcohol consumption during Prohibition. In other words, what are your stories actually saying? What news are they reporting and how do the issues they raise relate to Prohibition?
The timing of the articles. When were these published in relation to the passage of the Volstead Act? *You may need to look up dates!
What relevant or significant events came before or after the article?
Who was the audience? Are they trying to sway opinion? Are they discussing a debate? What are the details and how might this climate influence coverage?
What was the climate of opinion at the time of this writing? Can you tell if the author sways wet or dry?
In your essay, explain the story that is being told in each article and outline the important context. You will want to reserve one page for each article.
The post What we actually learn about alcohol consumption during Prohibition. In other words, what are your stories actually saying? What news are they reporting and how do the issues they raise relate to Prohibition ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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