What social factors contribute to this phenomenon? What is motivating people to take such risk either intrinsically or extrinsically?
We have talked at various points about how the social media is can be a very salient part of our culture and how we interact in and with the world. We’ve talked about things like self- presentation, social comparison, self-concept, people, being social beings/wanting to belong and numerous other concepts so far. This story is highlighting a dangerous trend in people taking selfies which lead to serious injury and more specifically death. Take a moment and read this story. Or copy and paste the link below. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/03/health/selfie-deaths-trnd/index.html I then want you to hypothesize why you believe people engage in this kind of behavior. Some general questions to get you thinking can be: What social factors contribute to this phenomenon? What is motivating people to take such risk either intrinsically or extrinsically? What other social psychology concepts do you believe are applicable here based on the chapters we have reviewed thus far? What are your thoughts about some of the reported information in this story? (specifically the noted cultural differences and gender differences). To earn full credit, you must provide thoughtful and engaging posts/responses. A one- line post of any kind is not going to garner full credit ( e.g I ”agree” in response to a classmate)
The post What social factors contribute to this phenomenon? What is motivating people to take such risk either intrinsically or extrinsically? ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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