What are the ways presidents expand their powers, and especially unilateral powers? How are the Congress and the Courts complicit in expansion of presidential power
Write an analytical paper between 5 to 8 pages in length, not including the References page, on the topic below. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-space with 1-inch margins, provide page numbers, and include a header on the first page only with your name, instructor name, and course number. In-text citations, references, and any footnotes are to follow American Political Science Association (APSA) Style Guide format(see Canvas Files). Cite at least three sources outside of course readings, at least two of which must be scholarly works (books or peer-reviewed articles written by researchers/scholars). Other sources could include government documents, print or online information fromreputable non-scholarly journals (e.g. Foreign Affairs; The Economist), news magazines (e.g. Time), and traditional print or online media (e.g. BBC World News or The New York Times). (You may cite course readings, but must have threeoutside sources.)Topic: Address/analyze differences between presidential powers specified in the Constitution, and actual powers exercised by previous & current US presidents. Make sure your essay addresses the following.- Are there aspects of the Constitution that encourage or enable the expansion of presidential power?These may include ambiguities in the constitution and/or responsibilities that are not clearly associated with powers needed to effectively carry them out. – Are there aspects of the Constitution that severely limit the ability of society and other political actors to restrain presidential power, including potential abuses of power?
– What are the ways presidents expand their powers, and especially unilateral powers? How are the Congress and the Courts complicit in expansion of presidential power?Thesis: Papers must have a clear thesis statement that outlines your argument or position about the difference between specified and actual presidential powers. The rest of the paper should support this thesis statement while addressing/incorporating the required questions.You may, and probably should, narrow the topic to some single aspectof presidential power that you are interested in studying further (e.g. war powers in the nuclear age, ability to control the composition of government, executive or
The post What are the ways presidents expand their powers, and especially unilateral powers? How are the Congress and the Courts complicit in expansion of presidential power ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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