To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the breakup of the Union? 2. Assess the extent to which slavery was the main cause of disunion and the Civil War
Directions: Select one question. All essays must be typed (double-spaced) and be no less than five pages. Summer Sessions – 2-3 pages Follow the MLA format for Research papers. All papers must have at least four to five references listed in the Works Cited page. Students should avoid using their textbook for information. Please include text references (footnotes) and a Works Cited Page (Bibliography). All papers must include at least one article from a historical journal. Papers must be stapled, all pages must be numbered and have a 12 point font. Do not use Encyclopedias, Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, U.S. History Regents Review, or Wikipedia for information. Internet articles that do not contain author’s names are acceptable and will result in a grade of “F”. Papers that do not contain text references (citations) or Works Cited with no authors’ names will result in a grade of “F”. Papers cannot be re-submitted for a higher grade. Topics 1-8 are the topics for October 15th 1. To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the breakup of the Union? 2. Assess the extent to which slavery was the main cause of disunion and the Civil War. 3. What were the long-term political and economic effects of Reconstruction and southern reaction on African-Americans? 4. Discuss some complaints of farmers following the Civil War. What might have compelled farmers, and particularly children of farmers, to move to the cities? 5. Compare and contrast the economic impact of the Civil War on the Union and Confederacy. 6. Discuss the achievements and failures of the Republican Reconstruction governments in the South. Who supported them and who opposed them? Why? Why and how were they driven from power? 7. Describe how the federal government under Presidents Cleveland and Harrison responded to the economic issues of tariffs, trusts, and railroads in the 1880s and 1890s. 8. In what ways did the Greenback and Populist parties indicate the two major parties had failed to deal with the critical period from 1877 to 1900?
The post To what degree did the Compromise of 1850 delay the breakup of the Union? 2. Assess the extent to which slavery was the main cause of disunion and the Civil War ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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