The ComparisonContrast Essay(Editing Rewriting Essay)

Length: 4page
“How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” Gloria Anzaldua
“Mother Tongue,” Amy Tan ”
Only use “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” Gloria Anzaldua and “Mother Tongue,” Amy Tan.”
Topic: Please write an essay of 6 or more paragraphs in which you compare and contrast two of the above essays. While you my compare and contrast the authors’ purpose and circumstances for writing each essay, please avoid focusing solely on the authors’ biographical information. Use the discussion questions below to help you generate points of comparison and contrast.
Discussion questions:
In what similar and different ways do Anzaldua and Tan give voice to languages denied in dominant culture? How is language related to assimilation for the authors? In their respective writings, do they support or resist assimilation? Which authors discuss language in terms of hybridity?
In what ways do the authors above address the issue of marginalization?
Point to your thesis and then read your first body paragraph. Do this for each of the paper’s body paragraphs. Ask yourself:  Is the paragraph relevant to the thesis? Does it advance or prove the thesis? Is there any information within the paragraph that doesn’t relate to the thesis?
This strategy can also be used within each paragraph to check each paragraph’s topic sentence and main points.  Write down your first topic sentence.  Ask yourself the following: Is the content of this paragraph relevant to the thesis? Does it advance or prove the thesis? Is there any information within the paragraph that doesn’t relate to the thesis?
Now my essay is only 2 pages and you need to write it into 4 pages
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