Summarize the theory reading by discussing its main points and relevant ideas. Do not neglect to mention all important points in the reading

– find one or more newspaper, magazine, or scholarly articles you see connecting to the reading. One of these readings should present a theory (a general set of propositions or ideas about how the world works), while the other should present evidence (a case, situation, or set of data that supports a theory).
Once you have selected your readings, copy and paste the following prompts and write your answers under each set of prompts (you may repeat this process if using more than two readings):
1) Summarize the theory reading by discussing its main points and relevant ideas. Do not neglect to mention all important points in the reading.
2) Summarize the evidence reading by discussing its main points and relevant ideas. Do not neglect to mention all important points in the reading.
3) Explain fully how the two readings support one another. Include at least one direct quotation from the outside reading and one direct quotation from the course reading, and mark these quotations in bold. Make sure to provide some context or explanation surrounding each quotation.
This third component is the most important, and you should spend the bulk of your paper on it. You may, for example (but only as an example), explain how the evidence discussed in one reading supports, adds to, or raises questions about a theory (i.e. a “big picture” set of claims) presented in the other reading. Either way, you must make certain that you present a broader set of ideas, and something in the world that supports those ideas. (This isn’t as hard as it sounds, as most people already do this in their everyday lives). Use your direct quotations to highlight or illustrate important ideas in each reading,
Conclude your paper by stepping back and sharing your own thoughts or reactions. If you did not explicitly do so elsewhere, make sure to discuss the broader significance or implications of the connections you’ve discussed.
The post Summarize the theory reading by discussing its main points and relevant ideas. Do not neglect to mention all important points in the reading ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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