Social organizations and programs
This assignment is a homework assignment that needs to be individually done and uploaded to Canvas. Your answers must be saved in Word or PDF and then uploaded to Canvas to go through truritin for originality report. The writing must be original and your writing.
Define each of the organizations and programs listed below in 1-2 paragraph(s), but the definition must be correct and comprehensive, giving examples is good, but examples cannot be substituted for the definition. You must write the definitions of each organization, don’t copy and paste from a source, read the definitions then use your own writing, in other words write the definitions in your own words. Don’t quote, copying and quoting are not allowed for this assignment, you will receive zero credit if the definition is copied or quoted. The writing must be original and yours, citation is encouraged. Upload your paper to Canvas.
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
Civil Association (or Civil Institutions)
Philanthropic Institution
Foundation and Corporate Grant Maker
Charities and Service Organization
Non-profit Organization
Social Enterprise
Government Welfare Programs
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