should abortion be legal in the United States

Research Paper Proposal 
This is an short proposal outlining your plan for your research paper. It should be approximately 5 pages long (12pt font double spaced).
The proposal should be approximately 5 pages long (1350-1500 words), 12pt font and standard margins.
You should include:

Your research question and a working thesis (a thesis in progress/hypothesis).
How do you think you will answer this question?
An explanation of why you chose the topic (no more than a half-page)
Your research strategy (what you are looking for and why, new questions that arose from your initial research and what else you plan to explore) How you will go about researching this subject? What is the scope of your research? (i.e. how broad or specific?)
A discussion of 4 readings (journal articles or book chapters) you’ve read, why you chose each reading and how you think they might help you make your case.
And specifically, identify at least 3 concepts or theories we’ve considered in the course and explain how they apply to the question you are researching (ensure that you define these concepts/theories in your own words).

The post should abortion be legal in the United States ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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