Select a medium of communication and explain the history of the medium
Select a medium of communication and explain the history of the medium. Please be sure to include all important dates relating to the development of the particular medium. You should refer to the time period. You should describe the historical period as it relates to your chosen medium. If there are other media technologies that impact your medium, please explain the impact that they have upon the medium itself. The societal impact of the medium must also be addressed in the paper. Please note pertinent issues relating to the medium as well as the future outlook of the medium. Please include at least three visual images. You should utilize a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed sources. Other sources may also be incorporated as long as they are relevant and cited properly. Use APA style for citations within the text and for the bibliography.The paper should be 10 pages long, using Times New Roman 12pf, double spaced with 1 inch margins all around. The page count should not include the title page, endnotes, and works cited page). Organizational Structure (a) Introduce the Topic (b) Review the historical development of the medium (c) Discuss pertinent issues related to the development (d) Future outlook Consult the document below for instructions on how to structure your research paper. How to structure a research paper.pdfPreview the document ps. use the documents you used for the presentation (annotated bibliography)
The post Select a medium of communication and explain the history of the medium ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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