Review Griggs v. Duke Power Company
Review Griggs v. Duke Power Company
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This case is considered one of the most compelling cases involving racial discrimination. Prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Duke Power Company had openly discriminated based on race in hiring and assigning employees in one of its plants. In 1955, the company began requiring employees to possess a high school diploma for initial assignment to any but the lowest paid traditionally black departments. In order to transfer to the higher paying white departments, the employee had to earn satisfactory scores on professionally prepared general aptitude tests. It was revealed that whites who met neither of these requirements had been adequately performing jobs in these higher paid departments for years.
Black employees challenged the diploma and testing requirements which rendered a disproportionate number of blacks ineligible for employment and transfer. The U.S. Supreme Court held for the plaintiffs and ruled that diploma or degree requirements and generalized aptitude tests may not be used when they effectively disqualify a disproportionate number of minorities unless these tests are proven to be directly correlated to the skills tested and adequate job performance.
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