research essay on the topic of mass shootings
ASSIGNMENT: SHORT RESEARCH ESSAY (5-7 pages)*Write a research essay on the topic of mass shootings. THIS IS NOT AN ARGUMENT ESSAY. What you will be doing is inquiring about the topic. You are exploring the topic, NOT TAKING A SIDE FOR OR AGAINST a particular issue related to the topic. The exercise is to explore the topic rationally and with intellectual balance. It is a brief overview of the topic without having to make a case for or against anything. This assignment is the essence of inquiry. The challenge is to find and evaluate sources so that your essay covers the topic without bias. YES, you may include the sources we’ve covered in the modules for your essay~!The topic of mass shootings, as we’ve seen in the modules, is quite large. Here are some suggestions of areas to explore: How are mass shootings defined? What is the landscape of solutions being offered, and what are the shortcomings of each solution? What are some of the theories of what causes mass shootings?Your research essay must possess the following:1. RESEARCH that generates 5-7 pages of research writing;2. ORGANIZED research essay;3. Paragraphs that INCORPORATE SOURCE INFORMATION;4. Complete a WORKS CITED page of the sources you used. FORMAT REQUIREMENTS: 1. MLA FORMAT2. 5-7 pages of writing. 3. WORKS CITED PAGE of at least 10 sources.
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