Research and select an issue related to social media and marketing
1. Research and select an issue related to social media and marketing. For instance: should social media companies be more transparent about how they use their collected data? Should celebrities leverage (or exploit) their social media following to make money? Is it right for companies to use their young consumers to market their products? Is it wrong for people to post “inappropriate content” in order to garner likes or followers?
2. Determine an ethical principle by which to analyze the issue or situation. To help with this, we’ll want to use a “right or wrong,” “good vs. bad,” or “lesser of two evils” approach to shaping our perspective.
3. Construct a thesis that presents your overall perspective. That is, what’s your stance on the issue?
4. Using the “four pillars of argument” (Chapter 1), construct a 3-5 page ethical argument in which you present and support your perspective about the situation with sound reasoning and appropriate research information.
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