Political power and its uses: why uses of political power are often considered immoral
Sukhpreet Singh
Student number- 300281745
Annotated bibliography of research essay
Thesis statement– Political power and its uses: why uses of political power are often considered immoral?
In this essay, I will research and write about political power and the uses of political power. My main focus is to define the relationship between human behavior and political power and why some of the consequences of political power considered terrible.
Annotated bibliography of the sources in APA style that I am going to use in this research paper–
“The prince” a book written by Nicollo Machiavelli
Machiavelli, N., & Marriott, W. K. (2015). The prince. First Avenue Editions, a division of Lerner Publishing Group. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat02946a&AN=dcl.b2119333&site=eds-live&scope=site
In this book, Machiavelli discussed how to acquire power and how to stay in power. In the first two chapters, he talked about the types of power, and then he talked about how the prince can use the power and how he can make his public happy and satisfied with his power. This book helps me to define political power and its types. There are various chapters in this book which provides a detailed analysis and examples of political power.
Hans J. Morgenthau’s Love and power
MORGANTHAU, H. J. (1962, march 1). Love and power. Retrieved from https://douglascollege.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1488712-dt-content-rid-6019018_1/courses/POLI-1101-006_33174_201930/Morgenthau%2C%20H.%20-%20Love%20and%20Power.pdf
In this article, Morgenthau discussed human nature and how human nature related to power. He explained about the balance of power and how to maintain balance and acquire the power. This article helps me to find the relation between power and love with human nature. In this article, Morgenthau discussed the roots of power and how the sense of acquiring power develops in humans. Moreover, this article focuses on the relation between power and love.
“on liberty” a book by John struat Mill
Mill, J. S. (n.d.). On liberty. Retrieved from https://douglascollege.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1488711-dt-content-rid-6019016_1/courses/POLI-1101-006_33174_201930/Mill%2C%20J.S.%20-%20On%20Liberty.pdf
In this book, mill talked about the freedom of an individual and the punishment. He talked about the actions of an individual, and he divided it into two types. This book helps me to relate the concept of power with freedom and how power can be used to punish the individual when he goes beyond the limit of society. In this book, Mill briefly discussed the actions of the individual, and these actions help me to distinguish the use of power as good or bad.
The partition of India and retributive genocide in the Punjab
Brass, P. R. (2003). The partition of India and retributive genocide in the Punjab, 1946-47: means, methods, and purposes. Journal of Genocide Research, 5(1), 71. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623520305657
In this article, the author talked about the partition of India and the genocide in Punjab during the partition. In this article, the author also discussed about the responsibility of the genocide, who was the main responsible for the partition and genocide. This article helps me to relate the authority (power) with the responsibility, how responsibility works with the authority.
The concept of Political
Schmitt, C. (n.d.). concept of the political. Retrieved from https://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=29&sid=d9c11b21-0aa7-449c-b3e2-44c9d03c81c1%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#AN=1177784&db=i3h
In this book, the concept of the political, Schmitt discussed the basic ideas of politics, how politics developed, what is politics and what is the relation between ethics and politics. Schmitt also discussed the enemy and friend concept that is related to politics. This book helps me to write and understand what politics is and how it is developed.
Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes, t. (n.d.). Leviathan. Retrieved from https://douglascollege.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1488708-dt-content-rid-6019013_1/courses/POLI-1101-006_33174_201930/Hobbes%2C%20T.%20-%20Leviathan.pdf
In the book Leviathan, Hobbes discussed the state of nature and how humans follow the laws of nature. He also talked about the “center of authority” (power) created by humans, and all humans follow this center of authority. This book provides me the data of human nature and how humans work under the authority and who control them. This book relates the laws of nature with political power. It helps me to understand the relation of human nature with politics.
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