Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional Development of an Adult in Cultural Context
You are required to write a 2,500 word paper (at a minimum of 2,500 and no more than 2,700 words) in APA style (6th edition). You may choose from two topic options. Each requires observing and/or interviewing an individual of your choice. You are then to compare the individuals physical, cognitive, and emotional current developmental processes to research and theory from the textbook. You will integrate relevant cultural concepts that a play a role in the individual’s development. Research Paper Topics: – Option A: Physical, cognitive, and emotional development of an Infant/Child/Adolescent in Cultural Context – Option B: Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional Development of an Adult in Cultural Context. The primary focus of the paper will be the comparison of the individual’s development to the available research and literature from the textbook (Human Development: A Cultural Approach). However, you may choose to have a secondary focus (e.g., “The impact of bicultural identity on social development”). In addition to drawing on the research that are relevant to your individual’s development in addition to the research you take from your textbook. Do not include information from websites or other non-academic sources (magazines, newspapers, or videos) in your paper. Please provide a word count after the reference section (the word count should not include the reference section). Also, please add your interview questions as an appendix after the reference section.
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