non verbal communication in the work place

Organizational Communication Research Paper RequirementsLength: 10-14 pages (not including the cover page, abstract page, and reference page)- Double Spaced, 1 inch margins, 12-point fontFormat: APA- Complete with Cover Page/Abstract Page with 75-100-word abstract of the paper/Reference Page with a minimum of 15 references/Running HeadTemplate/Headings:Abstract:Include a 75-100-word summary of your paper. Introduction (1-2 pages):Introduce the topic explaining why it is important for study. You should have substantive research questions and a solid thesis statement. Your paper should connect with material we have looked at in class (a movement, model, theory, process, etc.).Literature Review (5-6 pages):Examine the relevant literature and discuss methods in which the subject has been studied, what kind of questions have been asked, findings of researchers, etc.Analysis (3-4 pages):What conclusions do you draw from your investigation of the relevant literature? Spend the first half of your analysis discussing this and the second half identifying gaps in the literature and give your recommendations for future research (talking about questions that should be studied and the methodologies you would suggest for such studies).Conclusion (1-2 pages):Review your main points and end with a strong and creative closing
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