merits of adopting a sales tax, using the previously discussed maxims/principles

All material will be included and attached; the article, the lesson overview, and chapter for this lesson
Article link:
Many state and local government budgets have slowly begun to recover in the aftermath of the fiscal crisis that started in 2008. A potentially positive outcome of this crisis is that it has exposed some flaws associated with different types of tax structures. As noted earlier in the lesson, a good example of this is the state of Oregon. Having recognized the drawbacks of a tax structure that relies heavily on income taxes, Oregon is currently considering significantly reforming its tax structure, including adopting some form of sales tax for purposes of capturing tourist dollars and to enhance revenue stability.
In this group assignment you need to read the Oregonian article “Address Oregon’s tax structure: Agenda 2013” and write a reflective essay commenting on the merits of adopting a sales tax, using the previously discussed maxims/principles.To the extent possible, try to organize your essay around the following maxims: economic effects.
The post merits of adopting a sales tax, using the previously discussed maxims/principles ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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