Literature Review
Literature Review
Please fully read all PowerPoints and materials for this week before completing this assignment.
Revision Note: After this assignment is graded, you will have the opportunity to make corrections based on the feedback provided and resubmit it to be re-graded. You may only resubmit this assignment once. The new submission will be re-graded with the original corresponding rubric and the grade you earn will replace your grade on your original submission.
A literature review is a summary of published literature on any given topic. You will be compiling a summary of research on your intended presentation topic. Based on the results of the needs assessment, you have selected the main concepts for your family life education program. You will research these concept areas using peer-review journals from 2001-2019. At least 6 journal articles must be used. Other sources, such as textbooks may be used as well. See rubric for complete details.
The information that you present in this paper will be the body of your presentation (the researched material that you present to your agency).
Objectives met: Demonstrate the ability to develop and focus on one topic in writing and speaking assignments and present ideas in an organized, logical and coherent form. Incorporate the unique perspective and resources the family life educator brings to diverse communities. Develop skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating family life education programs. Develop family life education curricula specific to a clientele’s ability to meet basic human needs and address individual and family well-being throughout the life cycle. Develop family life education curricula that empower individuals and families to increase capacity-building in order to more effectively cope with and enjoy the phases of life..
Minimum of 5.5 pages worth 140 points.
Within each heading you should have about ½ – 1 page of information.
Minimum of 6 journal article sources; include in-text citations and references page.
The following sections should be included in your paper. Please use the exact headings in bold below (not the portion in parentheses):
• Summary of the Needs Assessments (1/2 page): Students should summarize the needs assessments that were completed by the participants at their agency. The central idea/result of needs assessment should be clearly present, the concept areas (topics) of the presentation are clearly stated and are supported by the needs assessment.
• Synthesis of Research (This section should include a subheading for each of your subtopics within your concept, with research for each topic given below) (3 pages): This section should be the majority of your paper where you are summarizing the research you’ve complied on each of your subtopics within your main concept for your presentation. This section should utilize a minimum of 1 source for each of your subtopics.
• Cultural Considerations (Each subtopic should be addressed here) (1 page): This section should discuss the implications that culture has on each of your subtopics within your main concept. (Ex: If your main concept is communication and your subtopics are; verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and positive interactions. This section may discuss the differences in communication between or within different races, genders, or education levels.) This section should utilize at least 1 source.
• Connection to the AAFCS BOK (Each concept should be addressed here) (1 page): In this section, each of your subtopics should be connected to a concept within the body of knowledge. (Ex: If your main concept is communication and your subtopics are; verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and positive interactions. This section may discuss the connection between community vitality and increased education regarding communication, how positive personal communication skills increases one’s own self-efficacy, and how nonverbal communication is perceived via the internet requiring education on the appropriate use of technology in the workplace. *The bolded areas being the subtopics of the BOK that have been connected to concepts.)
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