JBL speaker research paper
Marketing Project – PART 1 (See due dates above)
1) Company mission statement (5 points)(AG)
a) What is the company’s mission statement?
b) Is the product(s) you chose to analyze in line with the company’s mission statement?
2) The present status of the company/product (10 points)(AG)
a) How is the company/product positioned in terms of its competencies, customers, and competitors?
b) Is the product a star, question mark, cash cow, or dog in terms of the BCG matrix?
3) Company/product growth (10 points)(PA)
a) How will the company/product grow in the future? Use the Market Product Strategy Matrix (Pg. 40: Figure
2-5) to determine future growth.
4) Situation analysis for strategic marketing (internal) (15 points)(CA)
a) What are the company’s or products strengths and weaknesses?
5) Environmental scan (external). Can you identify any opportunities or threats? (25 points)(GMF)
a) How will the following environmental forces affect your company/product? Do research. Provide facts.
i) Demographic shifts and cultural changes
ii) Macroeconomic conditions and consumer income
iii) Changing technology and technology’s impact on customer value
iv) Type of competition faced in company’s/product’s industry and how this might change in the future
v) Regulation impact on the industry/company/product
6) Ethical and social responsibility (10 points)(LH)
a) What ethical issues face the company/product?
7) Consumer decision making process (10 points)(LH)
a) Assume you were a new buyer of your audited product. How would you go through the five steps of the
purchase process?
b) What level of involvement would the typical customer display?
c) Examine any psychological, sociocultural, or situational factors that influence the purchase of your product. (You
need to do research and provide sources. Do not answer with speculation.)
8) Global marketing presence (10 points)(LH)
a) What is the overall importance of global sales to the company/product? Be specific.
b) Is your product marketed differently overseas? How is it different? Give examples.
9) Marketing research (10 points)(PA)
a) What type of marketing research is the company involved in?
b) How will the research affect the marketing activities of the company?
10) Market segments and product positioning (20 points)(CA)
a) How is the market for your product segmented? (This means people…not products.)
b) What is the target market for your product? Describe it.
c) What is the size of the target market? What is the size of the other market segments? Be specific.
d) What is the potential for growth of the company’s chosen markets?
e) How is your product “positioned” in the minds of consumers as compared to competitive products?
f) What would a positioning map look like for your products compared to competing products? (You must
create a perceptual map. See me if you need help with this.)
g) What is the market share breakdown for your product and your competitors? Be specific.
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