Is affirmative action still relevant in today’s work environment
1. President Lyndon Johnson gave a fascinating commencement address at my alma mater Howard University in 1965. In this speech, he outlined support for affirmative action.
Please read the speech in its entirety: Commencement Address at Howard University: “To Fulfill These Rights.”
Here is the link of the speech:
2. Reskin, who chaired the Sociology Department at Ohio State University from 1993 to 1995, was named a professor of sociology at Harvard last September. Reskin is recognized as the foremost authority on the subject of gender and the workplace. She has written five books, including Women and Men at Work in 1994. Her recent work, however, has branched into the overlap of gender with race and ethnicity.
This week I have attached Chapter 5 from her book, “The Effect of Affirmative Action on Other Stakeholders.” (see attachment )
3.Also watch this brief clip on affirmative action:
DO NOT use any outside resources, make sure you use these three resources to support your answer
Paper question:.
Is affirmative action still relevant in today’s work environment?
Please be sure to reference the readings and video. Please answer in 500 words or more.
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