Interview One Person With At Least Five Years’ Experience As A Supervisor/Manager And Interview Another Person With No More Than 2 Years’ Experience As A Supervisor/Manager.
1. What is your name, title, and the company for which you work?
2. Briefly describe your current position and responsibilities.
3. What do your subordinates expect from you on the job?
4. What are the major stresses and challenges you face on the job?
5. What, if anything, do you dislike about the job?
6. What do you like best about your job?
7. What do you think are the critical differences between average managers and top-performing managers?
8. Think about the skills and knowledge that you need to be effective in your job. What are they, and how did you acquire them?
9. What have been your biggest mistakes thus far? Could you have avoided them? If so, how?
Discuss your detailed findings in a written report. In one or more pages, write about Supervisor 1 with more than 5 years of experience, including a discussion of his or her responses to the questions. On another page or two write about Supervisor 2 with less than 5 years of experience, including his or her responses to the questions. Next in another one-two pages, discuss what conclusions you can draw from your interview data.
Your report should be a MINIMUM 4 double-spaced pages, and be free from errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
The post Interview One Person With At Least Five Years’ Experience As A Supervisor/Manager And Interview Another Person With No More Than 2 Years’ Experience As A Supervisor/Manager. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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