identity theft online

Topic is identity theft online.It is an abstract or summary description for an upcoming presentation.must use your own words in complete sentences.It should be single spaced.grammatically must tell what the presentation is about and flow of information you are planning on using.4 references that must come from different kinds of media such as internet,books, magazines.Only 1 reference can come from the internet.All referencesshould be cited correctly using MLA style.The citations are to be written correctly with hanging indents in the same default font size as the rest of the document.The abstract is to be written in paragraph form,block style,no indenting the first line,single spaced,standard word default settings,but the style should be set to no spacing(standard margins of 1″top and bottom and each side,Times New Roman font,size 12,use no paragraph breaks,hust one continuous paragraph and just 1 page
The post identity theft online ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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