Identify your given “power” at your workplace or in your professional life. What is your greatest contribution in the lives of others

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.
Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this leadership journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.
Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.
Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of power, including the following:
Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum setting during Topics 1 and 2.
Identify your given “power” at your workplace or in your professional life. What is your greatest contribution in the lives of others?
What are your ideas for you practicum project? How does this project refine and build skills related to your career goals?
Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Power” video.
Use the “Leadership Journal Template” to complete this assignment.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric.
Read Chapters 3 and 4 in Servant Leadership: The Seven Distinctive Characteristics of a Servant Leader.You have access to the text

Read “A Needs Assessment for the Development of the TIME Anesthesia Handoff Tool,” by Gibney, Lee, Feczko, and Aquino, from AANA Journal (2017).
Gibney, C. (2017). A Needs Assessment for Development of the TIME Anesthesia Handoff Tool. AANA Journal, 85(6), 431–437. Retrieved from
Totten MK. (2010). Nurses on healthcare boards. A smart and logical move to make. Healthcare Executive, 25(3), 84–87. Retrieved from
I will update the leadership template I started with info but need to add by early Sunday for you with more​ specifics for the journal pertaining to CMC Levine’s CHildren and add more data the CNS nurses and respiratory therapists sent to me.
The post Identify your given “power” at your workplace or in your professional life. What is your greatest contribution in the lives of others ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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