HTML 2 Project

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HTML 2 Project – ISM3011 Review the due date and late date & submission policies on Canvas. Remember to upload your finished project files to Canvas AND to the USF server. Ask before/after/during class or come into office/online hours if you have questions on any of this. Refer to the syllabus on Academic Dishonesty and group/individual work and allowable help for all projects – also remember it’s your responsibility to protect your work; do not share your project in any way, remove your work to a flash/thumb drive from any shared computers, check/delete work & empty the recycle bin if you work on public/lab computers. Grading philosophy: completing the project, meeting all the requirements earns a B or B+ on the assignment. Exceeding the requirements or expectations makes work outstanding and can earn an A. Before you start. Review these instructions. If you need help on individual skills, ask questions and review the Tips (video tutorials) on Canvas or at or any HTML tutorial site. Background and Planning
• The purpose of this project is to use the tags you learned from the HTML 1 project and create a unique set of web pages.
• You’ll create 2 web pages. The first will be a resume and the second will be a technology-related blog.
• Please use HTML and notepad or textedit – don’t use a Word, blog, webpage wizard, or any FrontPage/Dreamweaver type of software. Just use a simple text editor.
MAC USERS! Be sure that your TextEdit preferences are set correctly – or your web pages will not work correctly. Refer to the HTML 1 project instructions and the HTML overview video for information on this. This is really important!
Part 1: Create two web pages
• Page 1 – Resume: o The first page should be named ‘resume.html’ and should display your resume information in an attractive format and be
interesting enough that someone would want to call you for an interview. o Your resume page should link to your second ‘blog’ page.
• Page 2 – Blog: o Do a little research on a technology advancement related to your major and write a ‘blog’ about it – name the web page
‘blog.html’. Use a minimum of quoted materials. The blog should include: 800-1000 words (**not including any quoted or copied/pasted content**). You can blog on 2 articles to meet the
word count, if needed. A working link to the article A summary of the article in your own words Your thoughts about the article and how it impacts your major / career / chosen field, in your own words A working link back to your resume page
• Both Pages: o Be sure that both web pages are G-rated and have content/images that you would want a prospective employer to view.
You’ll be graded on the assignment components completed as well as having an attractive, appropriate website. Don’t forget to review your grammar and spelling.
o Do not cut and paste any text from a Word or PDF file or embed an image of text in the web page. In other words, all text should be formatted by you using HTML Tags. All content should be your own words.
o Your content as well as design must be original – again, do not copy and paste text / content from any other web site or project. You may download and use images from other websites.
• HTML Details – include the following skills and tags. Required tags (items d-l below) can be on either web page. a) Correct HTML structure tags (html, head, title, body & ending tags) on both web pages b) A comment tag before the first example of each required tag (besides the structure tags in step a) so we can find the tags
easily. For example, before the first <br> tag add a comment tag like <! – – Break tag example – – > c) Tags that link let you go back and forth between your 2 pages d) At least 2 image tags – besides any background images. Use an image you have or have downloaded to your computer,
not a link to an image on another site and don’t use the image files from the HTML 1 project. e) Tag or tag attributes that display a background image or color f) Tags to create a useful ordered or unordered list (with 3 list items in at least one of your ordered / unordered list). NOTE:
if you center your unordered or ordered list and view it in Chrome or IE or Safari, the bullets may not center. Try viewing it in Firefox – that’s what we use to grade projects.
g) A tag that displays a colored (not black/grey) horizontal line

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h) Two different size heading tags (for example, <h1>) i) Font tags that demonstrate two different text colors (these should be separate from the heading and link tags) j) Tags that format text so that it is bold or strong, underlined, and italicized or emphasized (can be used separately or
together) k) A paragraph tag and a break tag l) A tag that creates a useful table containing at least 3 rows and 3 columns with relevant content in all cells. m) If you are unsure about any of these tags use our TIPS page or do a little Google-ing. You can use additional tags.
In the interest of a sane grading process, please keep to the basics of this assignment. Please do not use inline, internal or external CSS for this assignment (see for info on this). If you are using a command that includes the word ‘style’ you are using CSS – please don’t. Web gurus…. If you feel like your web prowess is not being fully appreciated (I totally get this!), add additional links to sites you’ve created that display your mad web skills. We’ll check them out and be impressed!
Part 2: Upload your project files and image files to the USF Server
• **Do not delete or modify your HTML 1 project files.
• Upload your HTML 2 webpages and image files to the USF Server (INSIDE the public_html folder)
• The URL to your first page will be The resume.html page should contain a link to your blog.html page.
• Check your URL / project on a different computer using Firefox to be sure it looks good, all images display and links work correctly.
• There are upload instructions in our HTML overview and tips page.
• Start early and get help from the TAs or myself if you have any issues with this part. Uploading to the server is worth a large percentage of the total project points.
• In the comment area, below the URL, don’t forget to tell us a) what challenges you encountered and b) what you added to make your project outstanding / exceed expectations.
Part 3: Submit your project HTML Files and URL to Canvas ** This is different from the HTML 1 project
1. Upload your two HTML files and any image files used to Canvas. 2. Enter the URL in the comment area of the assignment. Your URL should be your
You don’t have to submit the URL to the blog page, we should be able to click a link on your resume to view the blog. 3. DO NOT modify your project on the server after the due date. If you change it after the due date, it will be considered late
even if it was originally submitted on-time. If you modify it on the server after the late date, we won’t be able to grade it.
Part 4: Submit your Blog to TurnItIn (TurnItIn is a plagiarism detection tool) 1. View your blog on the internet, go to : 2. Copy all of the text from your blog and paste it into a Word file 3. Save the Word file, LastNameFirst_TurnItIn.docx (example: WarnerBarb_TurnItIn.docx 4. Submit the Word file to the HTML2 TurnItIn assignment
Additional Notes:
• Refer to your HTML 1 project overview and tips page as needed. Another good resource is They have a quick reference page at
• *Some of these tags may be deprecated (obsolete), but we are just using these simple tags to get an idea of what HTML / coding is all about.
• Use images that have been downloaded to your computer and are in your working HTML 2 folder. You will upload these images and your web pages to the USF server. Don’t directly link to images on other web sites.
• Only use tags/code that you understand – don’t copy/paste tags/code from other web pages or tutorials or get complex code from friends, etc. Tags/code questions will be included on exams.
• Start Early! If you wait until the last minute, you may lose many points on this project.
• Keep all of your web pages and image files in the same folder on your computer.
• It’s often easier if all of your web pages and image files are named with small letters (no capitals) only.
If you have a problem, please check our Home page for common questions as well as the Overview page / video (Modules area).


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