How does an intersectional approach differ than singular conceptions of inequality?

Task and Requirements This exam consists of TWO 1000 word essays. You must answer and complete both essays. Your essays should contain a clear thesis statement (you must italicize it), a body, and conclusion. You should also paraphrase and cite all references in-text using the ASA style guide.pdf. Make sure to also include the word count. These are theoretical essays and are NOT opinion pieces. Your essay should be a sophisticated and in-depth analysis of the topics below. Your essays should be uploaded to dropbox in ONE word file in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, or .pdf ESSAY #1 – INTERSECTIONALITY In this essay, you should provide an in-depth theoretical overview of intersectionality. First, explore the origins of intersectionality and interrogate how it helps us understand the multiple ways in which privilege and oppression manifest in society on both individual and systemic levels. How does an intersectional approach differ than singular conceptions of inequality? Draw upon at least one lecture video/activity and three of the following articles in your essay to support your claims (Collins and Bilge, Combahee River Collective, Weber, Crenshaw, Dill and Zambrana, and Ferber). ESSAY #2 – CAPITALISM & LABOR EXPLOITATION In this essay, you should provide an in-depth theoretical overview of the ways in which race and gender intersect with capitalist exploitation. How was the development of capitalism racialized and gendered in both past and present times? How are workers treated differently in a capitalist system? How does capitalism rely on racism/sexism to divide white people from people of color? Draw upon at least one lecture video/activity and three of the following articles to support your claims (Acker, Bonacich, Alimahomed, & Wilson, Glenn, Sullivan et. al, and Crittenden. Grade Value: 20% of your final grade.

737512 hours ago
1. This is the first holistic assessment of your understanding of key course concepts thus far in the course. You will want to make sure to demonstrate that you have read all the readings, and viewed lecture materials. This is the only way to demonstrate to me that you have clearly understood the key ideas as they have been discussed. 2. Do not use outside sources. This is an exam and its purpose is to show that you have indeed been engaged in the class via lecture and our readings. You only are assessed on this. 3. Integrate key concepts and ideas from lecture and quotes from the readings to support your analyses. This gives your argument more support. 4. Opt to write with complexity about these course concepts and avoid making generalized and simplistic arguments. 5. Do write a strong thesis statement. This is a map to the rest of your paper, which tells the reader what your main arguments will be.

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