Global HR Assignment: 4-5 page double-spaced

Assignment #1:  The United Nations on Bananas Case Study
Case 1.1 in Vance & Paik

Answer each of the following questions:
1. What message does this case send to those who categorically deny any value from globalization?
2. How do self-perception theory and the principle of superordinate goals as mentioned in this chapter apply in this case?
3. What social and human aspects surrounding Datu Paglas have changed with globalization (for example, movement toward global cultural convergence) and what aspects remain very much the same (for example, persistence of a cultural divergence effect)?
Grading Criteria:
Format requirements: 4-5 page double-spaced, 12-point font size, using the following headings:
· Introduction
· Analysis (for each case question, list a subheading for your answers and recommendations)
· Conclusions (a synthetic analysis of the case issues in total and your personal key points/take away’s from the case and the specific implications to HR management)

You must use your own original writing and critical analysis.

· Do not use quotations from the case.

· Do not restate the facts of the case.

· Use paraphrasing, justification, and rationale for explaining your analysis and recommendations clearly and substantively.

· Outside resources are to be integrated into your assignment.

Grading rubric – A detailed rubric can be found in the Weekly Sessions.

· Content: 75%. Critical analysis of the HR practices with applications of HR management concepts.

· Format: 25%. Grammar, organization, easy to read, interesting, and follows a logical order on the relevant to topics. Use the APA template.

Assignment #1:
The Unit
ed Nations on Bananas Case Study
Case 1.1 in Vance & Paik
Assignment #1: The United Nations on Bananas Case Study
Case 1.1 in Vance & Paik

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