Explore the argument found in Pavroz, Kinosian & Morgan, and Rutland that high levels of corruption serve a distinct role in maintaining the strong and effective governance of Putin
Rise of State Capitalism
Instructions: You will complete two questions.
REQUIRED: Question 1 (1000 – 1250 words)
CHOOSE: Question 2 or Question 3. (750 words)
While Kurlantzick provides a general overview of state capitalism, explaining that one of state capitalism’s advantages is that it can focus state funds on certain industries, provide capital to areas where the market will not go, and build up companies with economies of scale, Kinosian & Morgan, Pavroz and Rutland (2018, 2017) focus on the particular way in which this is carried out in Russia. In this way, they show the uniqueness of Russian state capitalism , especially how power is articulated toward the economy.
Explore the argument found in Pavroz, Kinosian & Morgan, and Rutland that high levels of corruption serve a distinct role in maintaining the strong and effective governance of Putin.
What is the corruption-oriented model of governance? How is it carried out?
Describe how Putin uses the security agencies (siloviki) and the oligarchs to establish control over key industries and the political sphere
What does it mean to say that Putin has succeeded in concentrating control over the rent and has ensured its centralized distribution? Provide some examples from the oil and gas industry
What does it mean to say that receiving rent incomes motivates the oligarchs to satisfy the demands that Putin’s administration puts on them? Does competition among oligarchs play a role in solidifying the state’s influence within certain industries? How? Provide some examples from the oil and gas industry
Is the “Putin model” of state capitalism (authoritarian modernization) sustainable without Putin? What is your opinion?
Choose one
Chris Miller argues that the pillars of Putinomics are conducive to political control but not to economic growth. (Miller, xv). Explore in some detail several of the vulnerabilities of the Russia economy as it heads to 2020 and beyond. Explain the reason for the vulnerabilities. Feel free to key in on certain industries such as oil and gas as well as on general issues such as productivity, innovation, and human capital development.
What is involved in Russia’s apparent energy retreat from Europe and its turn to China? What does it hope to accomplish by establishing the Eurasian Customs Union? Briefly outline Skalamera’s arguments why Russia is willing to gamble on losing some of its European oil & gas market in order to service China as well as the Dragneva & Wolczuk and Roberts & Moshes explanation of the motivation to create a competing free trade zone within Eurasia.
The post Explore the argument found in Pavroz, Kinosian & Morgan, and Rutland that high levels of corruption serve a distinct role in maintaining the strong and effective governance of Putin ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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