entify the target audience and possible campaign objectives b) Advertising Appeals c) Message Strategies – Learn/ Feel/ Do – what order and why -what kind of messages were used

Polaroid Commercial ‘Tableau Vivant’ award winning ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_EiaEmxSUo a) Market Segmentation and positioning – identify the target audience and possible campaign objectives b) Advertising Appeals c) Message Strategies – Learn/ Feel/ Do – what order and why -what kind of messages were used? i.e. generic, preemptive etc. d) Recency / Primacy e) Executional Framework f) Conditioning approaches used g) Mnemonics/ Semiotics used and how. h) Maslow’s Hierarchy – how was it connected to consumers decision making process in the ad
The post entify the target audience and possible campaign objectives b) Advertising Appeals c) Message Strategies – Learn/ Feel/ Do – what order and why -what kind of messages were used ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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