Do you think the nature and/or purpose of terrorist acts have/had changed in the age of the Internet and social media

Please be aware you must access the Foerstel (2016) article via the CQ Researcher electronic resource at the Library because the reading was, unfortunately, truncated when I digitally saved the document. Be sure to review the Terrorism videos, as well as the Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government and the Public, to help you frame your essay.
Do you think the nature and/or purpose of terrorist acts have/had changed in the age of the Internet and social media?
Terrorism video:
Terrorism article: Foerstel, K. (2018, October 15). Terrorism. CQ Researcher. Retrieved from
The post Do you think the nature and/or purpose of terrorist acts have/had changed in the age of the Internet and social media ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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