Do the “ruling class” unfairly pass laws favorable to themselves and detrimental to the rest of us?

Write a 750-word response to the following question: Do you believe that the “ruling class” (decide for yourselves who these people may be) unfairly pass laws favorable to themselves and detrimental to the rest of us? For example, consider the Affordable Care Act. If they do, what can we do about it?For format purposes, please use the questions in your responses: state each question assignment separately, and then respond, or answer that question, separately. Integrate applicable biblical verses throughout (where appropriate) your response (at least one per question).
Walsh, A., and Hemmens, C. (2014). Law, Justice, and Society, 3rdedition. NY, Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-995853-5
Please cite the Bible as a reference.
The post Do the “ruling class” unfairly pass laws favorable to themselves and detrimental to the rest of us? ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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