Discuss why you think this rift exists between the President and his team on one side, and the findings of the report on the other side. You don’t need to take a side, but you can if you want to. Be specific and do some research for this part of the discussion. Don’t just write about vague generalities, and instead be insightful and thoughtful
Last Fall, the Trump Administration published the 2018 National Climate Assessment, found here at this link: https://nca2018.globalchange.gov/. (Links to an external site.) A 12-part summary is provided on the website, which suffices for the citation you use. The article was released on the day after Thanksgiving (“black friday”), which is a day that most people don’t watch the news. This raised concerns among many people that the administration was trying to purposefully “bury” the release of the report in this busy holiday weekend. Furthermore, when President trump was interviewed by reporters about the findings of the report, he said “I don’t believe it” and that the US is “the cleanest we’ve ever been”. Check the video out here:
In your discussion, please do the following things:
– Briefly summarize each of the 12 parts of the summary included in the 2018 National Climate Assessment. For each of the 12 parts, somewhere between 3-5 sentences is an adequate minimum length.
-Discuss President Trump’s reaction to the findings of the report (as seen in the video above)
-Discuss why you think this rift exists between the President and his team on one side, and the findings of the report on the other side. You don’t need to take a side, but you can if you want to. Be specific and do some research for this part of the discussion. Don’t just write about vague generalities, and instead be insightful and thoughtful.
(This assignment meets GELO 2: Demonstrate ways in which science influences and is influenced by complex societies, including political and moral issues)
Please read the rules and regulations below concerning this assignment.
Your discussion needs to be at least 1000 words! Points will be taken off if your discussion is less than 1000 words. Also, your discussion must be written by you, in your own words. If you cut and paste text from another source, and present it as your own writing, you would be plagiarizing, and that can get you kicked out of the class, and the whole CSU system!
Also, please cite your sources using any legitimate citation method you are comfortable with. Points will be taken off for lacking or incorrect citations. Please write clearly and with complete sentences and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. November 21st at midnight is the hard deadline. No exceptions. In case you have trouble uploading the file at the last minute, I am leaving the inbox for the assignment open for an additional 24 hours.
Point Breakdown
Summaries of the report (12 total) (60 points)
Brief summary of the President’s stance about the findings of the report. (10 points)
Thoughtful discussion of why you think this contention exists. (30 points)
Writing quality (spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.) (15 points)
Citations (must be cited properly, using in-text citations as well) (10 points)
The post Discuss why you think this rift exists between the President and his team on one side, and the findings of the report on the other side. You don’t need to take a side, but you can if you want to. Be specific and do some research for this part of the discussion. Don’t just write about vague generalities, and instead be insightful and thoughtful ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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The post Discuss why you think this rift exists between the President and his team on one side, and the findings of the report on the other side. You don’t need to take a side, but you can if you want to. Be specific and do some research for this part of the discussion. Don’t just write about vague generalities, and instead be insightful and thoughtful appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.