discuss what genetic factors have been identified in the development or maintenance of depression.
The purpose of this six-page essay is for students to explore and explain biological influential factors of depression, as well as support for and support against using SSRIs to treat depressive symptoms. The end of the essay will conclude with a reflection section and faith perspective. (CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). This Essay is worth up to 200 points. This is the Critical Assignment for this course and must be passed at an acceptable rate (70%) in order to be eligible for credit in the course.
A successful essay will address the following areas:
Introduction (1 paragraph): Briefly introduce the reader to the topic, using citations when necessary. Outline what will be covered in the paper.
Literature Review:
Biological/Genetic Factors:
Using at least two peer-reviewed studies (no websites), discuss what genetic factors have been identified in the development or maintenance of depression. Summarize the studies, clearly stating the biological factors and how they influence depression (ie., onset, severity, prognosis, maintenance, etc.).
Support for SSRIs
Using at least two peer-reviewed studies (no websites), discuss studies that show support for using SSRIs to treat depressive symptoms. Be sure to summarize the studies, explaining how SSRIs are helpful (ie., reducing symptoms, improving functioning, etc.).
Non-Support/Against SSRIs
Using at least two peer-reviewed studies (no websites), discuss studies that do not show support for using SSRIs to treat depressive symptoms. Be sure to summarize the studies, explaining why SSRIs are not recommended. These studies might yield results that another treatment is more effective, or that SSRIs might lead to adverse side effects, etc.
Discussion/Faith Integration (3 paragraphs):
Reflect on the above sections, and discuss your personal view on the use of SSRIs to treat depression, taking into consideration the researched presented.
Identify at least two examples of sadness or depression that are found in the bible (including applicable scripture). Include any possible cause or influence of that depression (ie., what is the context of those feelings?).
How can Christians or the church at large support individuals who are experiencing depression? Identify at least two ways/suggestions.
Paper Requirements
Paper must be six to seven pages in length
APA Formatted (Title page, No Abstract required, Reference Page)
Subheaders are required (Introduction paragraph is not labeled; however, the remaining sections must be labeled).
A minimum of six peer-reviewed sources (no websites) are required. The textbook can be used, but will not count towards one of the required six sources. Be sure to paraphrase the research in your own words and avoid using excessive direct quotes.
(You can get information about this topic on this video link which I cant share but you might know where to watch it: Broken English: The effects of brain damage on language [Video file]. (1990). Retrieved October 17, 2019
The post discuss what genetic factors have been identified in the development or maintenance of depression. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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