Discuss the types of foods/beverages you consumed. Remember to do more than just listing them. Discuss the different types of food eaten along with the nutritional content (nutrients) of foods/beverages consumed
This week you will collect your own data on a very interesting subject, yourself! You will analyze your own habits to discover more about your own biochemical needs and processes. Start this week by downloading the Unit 2 Discussion Board template below to track the foods you eat within a given day and calculate the foods nutritional values using the resources provided in the template. Complete the Unit 2 Learning Path in Intellipath (located in the Assignments List). Here you will be taught the fundamental aspects of biochemistry you will need to complete the second half of the Unit 2 Discussion Template: Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids and Fats Minerals Write up your response to the Unit 2 Discussion Board questions below. Write up a response within the discussion board that analyzes the results of your food tracking data collection. Be sure to answer all the questions listed below in your first post as completely as possible. Remember to read the posts of your peers and respond in detail to at least 2 peers. Don’t forget to Read! You will learn about the chemistry behind your body’s processes: Types of Elements Chemical Bonds Chemical Reactions Don’t be a stranger! Your instructor loves hearing from you. Let he/she know how you are doing this week and touch base with any questions you might have. You’re doing great! Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, complete and upload this Nutritional Intake Worksheet as an attachment. In the comment box, write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Please be sure to put both parts in one post, your initial discussion post. This will ensure it shows properly in the gradebook and that none of your work is missed by the instructor and other classmates. Biological Macromolecules in the Foods You Eat You want to be healthy and have more energy throughout your day. Therefore, you decide to conduct a nutritional analysis. Complete the following: Open the Nutritional Intake worksheet and complete the table to keep track of your food intake for 1 day this week. Include the following: List the foods/beverages you consumed. What is the nutritional content of these foods/beverages? If your food/beverage is packaged with a nutritional label, copy that information into the table in Question 2. Otherwise, visit the website in the document to obtain the information. Save your worksheet, and attach it to your post of 300-500 words containing the following information: Discuss the types of foods/beverages you consumed. Remember to do more than just listing them. Discuss the different types of food eaten along with the nutritional content (nutrients) of foods/beverages consumed. Which nutrient do you eat the most of? Note: calories are not considered a nutrient but a unit of measurement. Nutrients = carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins How does your overall food intake match what is recommended for you? Where did you exceed, fall short, or come close to matching? Do you have a specific exercise goal right now? For example, you may have a weight-lifting plan or a race training plan. What adjustment is needed to your current nutrient intake or diet to meet your goal(s)? In other words, if you are trying to bulk up, what do you need to adjust? If you are trying to lose weight, what do you need to adjust? Do you have a personal health goal right now? In other words, are you trying to lose weight, move more, or generally be more active? What might you need to change about your current diet to meet this goal? In other words, do you need to cut calories/energy or eat less of a particular nutrient? What changes do you think you might need to make in your diet to meet your health goal or just generally be healthier? Peer Responses: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions: How does your diet compare to your peer’s? Does your peer seem to eat a lot of one nutritional category? Do you have any tips for steps or lifestyle changes that have helped you reach a health/fitness goal? For assistance with your assignment, please use your text and all course materials. Assignment Specific Grading Criteria Unit 2 Discussion Board Grading Criteria Max Points Nutritional Intake Worksheet was complete 5 Initial post is at least 300-500 words 5 Describes the type of foods student eats 10 Explains nutritional content of the food 10 Identifies which nutrient student eats the most of 5 Relates overall food intake to recommended amount(s) 10 Discusses type of nutrients required to achieve the goal 10 Discusses personal health goal and changes about that can be made to current diet to meet the health goal 10 Includes at least 2 follow-up responses to peers 20 Peer responses encourage further conversation 10 Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively 5 Total: 100
The post Discuss the types of foods/beverages you consumed. Remember to do more than just listing them. Discuss the different types of food eaten along with the nutritional content (nutrients) of foods/beverages consumed ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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The post Discuss the types of foods/beverages you consumed. Remember to do more than just listing them. Discuss the different types of food eaten along with the nutritional content (nutrients) of foods/beverages consumed appeared first on First Class Essay Writers.