Discuss the three traditional core roles or functions of courts in the United States’ constitutional scheme of government.
For each question (except question 1), write a thorough and well-reasoned response. Support your response by citing the textbook or Internet research. For Question 1, you may complete the schematic model in Word using its drawing tools, or draw the model on paper, scan a copy, and insert it into the Word document.
1. Draw a schematic model of the three phases of the public policymaking process.
2. Discuss the formulation phase of policymaking.
3. Discuss the implementation phase of policymaking.
4. Discuss the three traditional core roles or functions of courts in the United States’ constitutional scheme of government.
5. What are the concepts of separation of powers, judicial review, and institutional competence?
All students need to study the document (in Modules) ” Requirements and Evaluation of Research Paper”, and to choose a specific and narrowly defined research paper topic about formulation, implementation, or/and modification phases of any health policy making at federal or state level. It is about time now. So in this submission, please let me know you research paper choice so far. The following are just some examples I provided for your reference.
The impact of Affordable Care Act on the uninsured Americans and solutions available for those who are unable to afford it.
The impact of the Medicaid expansion after the implementation of ACA
Trumpcare vs. Obamacare and the improvements that we really need to make
The effects of the Affordable Care Act on income inequality
Should states regulate healthcare insurance?
How policy change in the U.S. has affected the opioid crisis
Impact of Affordable Care Act for Miami Dade Low-income individuals
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