Discus how licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) considerations differ for all four APN clinical roles (CNP, CNM, CRNA, CNS) for these three states: California, Washington, and Illinois

Create a Power point presentation to address the following Topics/Questions:
Discus how licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) considerations differ for all four APN clinical roles (CNP, CNM, CRNA, CNS) for these three states: California, Washington, and Illinois? Researches LACE requirements for 3 states: California, Washington and Illinois. Provide evidence for your response.
Describes LACE requirements for all four APN roles: CNP, CNM, CRNA and CNS
Discuss what evidence-based strategies should be implemented to achieve continuity between state regulatory boards. Provide evidence for your response.
Researches evidenced-based strategies to implement to achieve continuity among all 50 states for APN practice.
Discuss if independent NP practice allowed in your state. Discuss your opinion regarding independent NP practice in your state. Should NPs be allowed to practice independently? Provide evidence for your response.
Researches current NP practice in THE STATE OF Florida. From this research, discusses your opinion regarding NP practice and if NPs should be allowed to practice independently.
MUST Include speaker notes on all slides with reference using APA reference and format
Include APA reference slide
The post Discus how licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) considerations differ for all four APN clinical roles (CNP, CNM, CRNA, CNS) for these three states: California, Washington, and Illinois ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.

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