Define tragedy and discuss how or why Oedipus Rex is a tragedy.

English 282 – Introduction to Literature
Essay # 3
Drama Essay – 2 pages in APA style
Answer these questions in paragraph form:
1. Define tragedy and discuss how or why Oedipus Rex is a tragedy.
2. Define tragic hero and discuss how or why Oedipus is a tragic hero.
3. Define hubris. Give an Example from Oedipus Rex.
4. Define dramatic irony. Give an Example from Oedipus Rex.
5. Define resolution and describe the resolution of Oedipus Rex.
6. Define reversal and discuss reversal in Oedipus Rex.
7. What are the three unities and how are they presented in Oedipus Rex?
Here is the reference to your text:
Sophocles (2013). Oedipus Rex. In J. E. Gardner, B. Lawn, J. Ridl, & P. Schakel (Eds.), Literature: A portable anthology (707-750). New York, NY, Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
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