Define EI Explain each component of EI Explain the Mayer and Salovey EI model
Define EI
Explain each component of EI
Explain the Mayer and Salovey EI model
Explain EI in everyday life (cognitive abilities, social functions, and work performance)
What is the relation between EI, leadership, climate and organizational performance? Explain
What are the implications of EI and higher education? Explain
Your paper should be between 5- 7 pages and include a COVER PAGE, RUNNING HEAD, PAGE NUMBER, AND REFERENCE PAGE
Read the chapters and articles on Emotional Intelligence:
An EI-Based Theory of Performance by Daniel Goleman
Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Personal, Social, Academic and Workplace Success by Marc A. Brackett, Susan E. Rivers and Peter Salovey
The post Define EI Explain each component of EI Explain the Mayer and Salovey EI model ACADEMIC ASSISTERS. ACADEMIC ASSISTERS.
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