Complete RFP
Write a 3 page Request for Proposal in a word document that includes all the good elements of an RFP. Please refer to the Example Project Management Plan (2) as a guide. PMP Template section 8.
1) Clear Statement of work with clear deliverables of specific elements of the project being procured.
2) Timeline for submittal of proposal
3) Manner in which to handle questions
4) Clear information to vendor so that they can produce a good quote
– What Deliverables will the Vendor Provide?
– What Deliverables (or work) will the Buyer Provide?
5) Timeline with milestones requested to complete the work
6) Type of Contract (that should be proposed, FFP, T&M, CP%C, etc)
7) Evaluation Criteria
8) Outline and Format that Proposal must be in
9) Scheduled award date
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