Community Management Portfolio
This assignment considers how your client (Health Consumers Queensland) this semester may execute a community management program. Your report will consist of an overview of the role that social media may play in your client’s relationship building. Your Community Management Portfolio will consist of a social media strategy, content pillars and content creation. You are to justify your recommendations and use theory to support your rationale.
Client: Health Consumers Queensland (HCQ)
Product(s): Information – the client delivers information via training, information campaigns, written
resources, and relationship building.
Digital offerings:
Web site (
MailChimp newsletters
weekly eAlert (
monthly eNews (
Facebook (
Twitter ( (abandoned)
HCQ is a government-funded not-for-profit organisation and registered charity that works towards
improving healthcare outcomes for Queenslanders. Its focus is to promote and support partnerships
between the people who use the health system (health consumers) and the health system itself.
HCQ recently celebrated 10 years of operation.
Marketing objectives
HCQ’s aims are to raise awareness of its services and resources, and to promote the concept of
consumer partnerships. Part of this strategy is to encourage people to become members of the HCQ
network. HCQ seeks to increase the number of people registering on its network, particularly the
groups listed below.
HCQ would like its website to become the first resource that people both in Queensland and around
Australia think of when they are looking for resources or information on health consumer
At present, HCQ’s social media presence is limited to Facebook. It produces two newsletters (one
monthly, one weekly) that are distributed to its Queensland-wide network of 2500 people. These
newsletters are designed and distributed via MailChimp.
It maintains a WordPress website. This website was developed by an external designer around five
years ago, and no longer suits the purposes of HCQ.
Target audience/s:
HCQ’s target audience is split neatly into 2 groups: staff of health services, and health
consumers/carers (see consumer representatives:
For current audience, see demographic data on the next page. HCQ is particularly looking to increase
membership among specific groups, including:
Culturally or Linguistically Diverse people
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people
Those living outside metropolitan areas
Under 30 years of age
Staff in health services
Main competitors for this target audience: None – HCQ is a specialised service. While not
competitors, HCQ has corresponding organisations in other states.
Creative considerations:
Because of its varied audience and its status as a government-funded and consumer-centred
organisation, HCQ needs to be mindful of accessibility issues (including vision impaired, lack
of Internet access, and English as a second language).
Placement of promotional materials and inappropriate or unethical content is also
something to be careful of. For example, association with pharmaceutical companies could
be very detrimental to HCQ’s reputation.
HCQ has established branding guidelines that need to be adhered to.
Photographic images need to be considered carefully. A variety of ages, cultures, abilities
and so on need to be included. Avoid using only images of young, slim, able-bodied Anglo
heterosexual people.
HCQ is a very small team with high demands on time and resources. With no one person
dedicated to marketing, its strategy needs to be highly efficient with low time requirements.
Special requests: HCQ’s website is a primary site for hosting a variety of resources that seek
to be known as a reliable source of information for people around Australia who are working
in health. The website is about to undergo a comprehensive review. In addition to advice on
the website and SEO, a primary focus of media strategy is to direct traffic to the website.
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