Unit 7 Assignment: Memo | collegepaperslab.com

Business Finance | collegepaperslab.com

You are the human resource manager of a company that is experiencing a union organizing campaign. The company’s leadership team is looking to you to advise them on what the company can and cannot do during the campaign. In preparation for a leadership briefing, you prepare a 2–3 page memo that addresses the following areas:

A business memo is a document commonly used in the workplace to convey information to company employees. In that sense, it is an internal document, which means that, generally, the audience is internal to the company; it is not a form used for outside customers or clients.

The purpose of a memo, usually, is to inform employees of policies or other company-related matters, such as a change in personnel within departments, change in a process or procedure, or an upcoming company meeting.

View a memo example.

  1. What actually happens as a union organizing drive develops?
  2. What steps can the company legally take during the campaign?
  3. What actions should the company avoid to maintain compliance with the National Labor Relations Act?

The following are the minimum requirements to successfully complete the memo Assignment:

  • Use APA format and citation style and include an additional reference and title page.
  • Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase and cite the author’s work.
  • Uses Standard English and demonstrates superior organization, communication is highly ordered, logical, and unified.
  • Reinforce your personal opinions with outside viable references and cite all works using APA citation style.

Directions for Submitting your Assignment

Compose your minimum 2–3 page memo Assignment in a Microsoft Word® document using APA format and citation style, add a title and references page, and save it as Username-HR420 Assignment -Unit#.doc. Submit your file to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 7.


Review the assignment instructions and grading rubric.

Content per Checklists 100% 40

Answer provides correct and thorough responses to the checklist items demonstrating analysis and critical thinking. Checklist: 80%

1. What actually happens as a union organizing drive develops? 9

2. What steps can the company legally take during the campaign? 9

3. What actions should the company avoid to maintain compliance with the National Labor Relations Act? 9

4. Thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Demonstrates superior organization, and logical and unified communication. 5

Subtotal: 80% 32

Uses correct spelling, grammar, and submits 2–3 page memo in APA format and citation style along with an additional title and references page. 20% 8

Total Points possible Your Score: 100% 40

College Papers Lab