Homeland Security and Homeland Defense – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
In your readings you have been provided a variety of definitions for the term homeland security. Additionally, the national strategies and readings have talked to the difference between homeland security and homeland defense.
Drawing upon your readings and other class materials, craft two columns; one labeled Homeland Security and the other Homeland Defense. Under the headers of each column list those missions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, operations, etc. which are identified from the national policies, strategies and readings. Some tasks may be listed under both columns. Where this occurs, be sure to identify if there is any element of that item that is specific to either homeland security or homeland defense. Lastly, drawing upon the list you developed, provide a definition of homeland security.
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Homeland Security and Homeland Defense was first posted on June 30, 2020 at 2:11 am.
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