Case-Study: Practicum Experience

Case-Study: Practicum Experience

Case-Study: Practicum Experience

Case-Study: Practicum Experience


Week 8 Project Instructions This is your fifth out of six journal assignments in this course. Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following: Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II. Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week. Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 8 into your practicum experience this week. Identify your area of greatest learning this week. Submission details: Submit your journal entry to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Name your journal entry SU_NSG6630_W8_A2_LastName_FirstInitialThe practicum course is a planned, supervised, and evaluated practice experience. The
goal of the practicum is to provide an opportunity for you to synthesize, integrate, and apply
practical skills, knowledge, and training learned through courses, to gain professional
experience in a professional public health work environment, and to work on public health
practice projects that are of particular interest to you.
A practicum provides the opportunity to integrate and apply classroom learning in a
public health work environment, enabling you to observe and learn from professionals in the
field. You contribute to a community’s resources and to the solution of public health problems,
while developing practical skills and personal confidence as a public health professional. If
you are new to the field of public health, the practicum serves as an important first step in a
public health career, providing an introduction to the practical skills and experience necessary
for a productive and fulfilling career. If you have had prior work experience, you will find that
the practicum provides the opportunity to hone your skills or to gain new experience in a
different area of specialization.
Practicum placements are individually selected and therefore, the focus, substance, and
approach of the practicum will vary, depending on your particular degree,
program/concentration and on your specific interests, professional goals, and objectives. The
objectives of the practicum must be consistent with the general objectives of the School, and
your academic program. During the practicum you will work under the supervision of the
practicum director and the site preceptor, who agree to directly supervise the practicum
experience. Decisions on the nature, site, specific objectives, and activities of the practicum
are arrived at following discussions and agreements among the student, practicum director,
and site preceptor (and perhaps other faculty members who have expertise in the area).
Department of Prevention
and Community Health
PUBH 6014.19
Public Health Communication and
Marketing (PHCM)
Practicum Experience
2 | Updated 2017
The standard practicum experience will require a minimum of 60 hours of field work per
credit hour. This is equivalent to 120 hours for the programs in our Department. Your
practicum can be performed in a concentrated fashion in one semester, or can be carried out
over multiple semesters.
The Culminating Experience, a separate course directed by your advisor, requires that
you integrate the knowledge gained from your coursework and create a product, such as an
assessment or evaluation, which is accompanied by a written thesis and oral presentation. You
may conduct the Culminating Experience at the same location as your practicum, but you will
need to complete most of your coursework before beginning your Culminating Experience.
Practicum Prerequisite(s):
• PubH 6007 Social and Behavioral Approaches to Public Health
• PubH 6503 Introduction to Public Health Communication and Marketing
• Practicum online training (search Practicum Video Tutorials in GWSPH Source)
• Research ethics training (accessible at; submit your certificate
to the Student Records Office by emailing to
Your Practicum Plan
Your practicum plan describes what you will accomplish during the practicum. It includes broad
competency statements about the skills you will develop, learning objectives about what you will
achieve during the practicum, and your activities, the tasks you will perform to achieve your
learning objectives and competencies.

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