Case Assignment: Immune System.

Case Assignment: Immune System.

Case Assignment: Immune System.

Case Assignment: Immune System.


Week 3 discussion Discussion Prompt #1 Discuss the potential controversy when considering a patient’s right to know whether a caregiver has AIDS, and the caregiver’s right to privacy and confidentiality. Consider the following: A physician cut his hand with a scalpel while he was assisting another physician. Because of the uncertainty that blood had been transferred from the physician’s hand wound to the patient through an open surgical incision, he agreed to have a blood test for HIV. His blood tested positive for HIV and he withdrew himself from participation in further surgical procedures. Discuss the ethical and legal issues. Discussion Prompt #2 The following questions refer to your experience in this week’s exercise, Conducting Moral and Ethical Dialog in Clinical Practice. Describe your overall experience with the moral and ethical dialog exercise, and address at least three (3) of the following: Did you find any of the scenarios more difficult to deal with than others? Did you feel any internal conflict with any of the scenarios? How did your personal and professional background impact how you decided to interact with the patient? Do you feel the responses the patient gave to the practitioner’s response were reasonable or typical? Were you taken aback by any of the patient reactions? How might this activity contribute to your role as a nurse advocate in a moral and ethical practice? Did you utilize an ethical decision making model to explore a systematic way to evaluate any of these ethical dilemmas? If so, describe the effectiveness.In 1983 the virus that caused AIDS was discovered by scientists in France and the routes of transmission were confirmed. The virus eventually became known as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). There are 2 different types of HIV:HIV-1 the most common type found worldwide, and
HIV-2 found mostly in West Africa.

HIV infection affects the immune system. The immune system is the body’s defense against infections by microorganisms (such as very small bacteria or viruses) that get past the skin and mucous membranes and cause disease. The immune system produces special cells called antibodies to fight off or kill these microorganisms. A special weakness of the immune system is called an immunodeficiency. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects, and eventually destroys, special cells in the immune system called lymphocytes and monocytes.

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