Case Assignment: Data Analytics.

Case Assignment: Data Analytics.

Case Assignment: Data Analytics.

Case Assignment: Data Analytics.


Week 8 assignment 2 Statistical Analysis For this week’s Dropbox assignment, you will begin to develop Part 5 of your project proposal: Analyzing change. In your discussion, include the following points: State your clinical question. Briefly state the intervention you will implement. While these two items are not typically included in Part 5, doing so will help orient faculty so appropriate feedback can be provided. What outcomes will be analyzed and how they will be analyzed? Describe the statistical analysis you will do relating this to the data collection tools you plan to use. Indicate the types of demographic data you plan to report on your participants as well. Briefly discuss the outcomes expected should this project be implemented. After receiving feedback from faculty, incorporate the appropriate content into your project proposal.

Statistical analysis is a component of data analytics.

In the context of business intelligence (BI), statistical analysis involves collecting and scrutinizing every data sample in a set of items from which samples can be drawn. A sample, in statistics, is a representative selection drawn from a total population.

Statistical analysis can be broken down into five discrete steps, as follows:

  • Describe the nature of the data to be analyzed.
  • Explore the relation of the data to the underlying population.
  • Create a model to summarize understanding of how the data relates to the underlying population.
  • Prove (or disprove) the validity of the model.
  • Employ predictive analytics to run scenarios that will help guide future actions.

The goal of statistical analysis is to identify trends. A retail business, for example, might use statistical analysis to find patterns in unstructuredand semi-structured customer data that can be used to create a more positive customer experience and increase sales.

See an introductory Statistics tutorial:

This was last updated in July 2014

Next Steps

Is the data mining process getting simplified through SAS Enterprise Miner?

Continue Reading About statistical analysis

  • Dan Sullivan offers two examples of statistical analysis in a BI context.
  • The difference between machine learning and statistics in data mining
  • Statistical analysis in BI and data warehousing
  • ‘Big data’ analytics programs require tech savvy, business know-how
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