Audience Use Profile

Assignment for Unit #4
Audience Use Profile due by noon on Wednesday October 9, 2019
Instruction Sheet due by noon on Friday October 18, 2019
The Assignment for Unit #4 is to…
Write an Instruction Sheet.
Choose a topic from your major, a hobby, or an area of
interest. Prepare instructions for a task that requires at
least three major steps. Begin by completing an
Audience Use Profile (see Chapter 2) that defines your
target reader. Include (a) all necessary visuals, (b) an
“art brief” (page 264) and a rough diagram for each
visual, or (c) a “reference visual” (a copy of a visual
published elsewhere). If you borrow visuals from other
sources, provide full documentation in MLA or APA
format, both in-text and at the end of the document.
Some general topic ideas appear on the Blackboard
page titled “Topic Ideas for Procedures.”
Please note that an Audience Use profile is required
for this assignment. The page in the Unit #4 folder
titled “How to Complete your Audience Use Profile”
will guide you through this. Submit your Audience
profile for feedback no later than noon on Wednesday
October 9. It will be graded out of 10 points (which
will count toward your Unit #4 grade).
…With Visuals?!?
Don’t panic about the requirement for visuals. You
won’t be graded based upon the quality of your visuals
as much as you will upon how effectively you use
them: Do you place them in the appropriate spots? Do
you number and title them? Do you include call-outs
(refer to them) in the text? You can draw stick figures
for your visuals or provide rough sketches. You can
even copy images from elsewhere and paste them into
your document (just be sure to cite them properly).
We’ll discuss visuals in more detail in the Chapter 12
online notes and in the Specific Overview page.
Goals for Unit #4
By the end of this unit, you should understand the
❑ The purpose of instructions and common and
appropriate formats for instructions.
❑ The risks and legal liabilities of faulty
❑ The elements of usable instructions.
❑ How to create a usable design for instructions
that shows consideration of audience needs.
❑ How to create and incorporate images into an
instruction sheet.
❑ Why visuals are important, when to use them
in a document, and how to select visuals for
your purpose and audience.
❑ The purposes and uses of tables, graphs,
charts, and other illustrations.
❑ How to avoid misuse or distortion of visuals.
Good Topics vs. Bad Topics
You must choose a procedure that includes at least 3
major steps. Don’t forget the word “major.” Strictly
speaking, directions for shampooing hair include 3
steps (“Lather. Rinse. Repeat.”), but I wouldn’t
exactly call them “major.”
Avoid choosing topics that are too simple (“Doing
the Laundry,” “Washing Your Car”) or topics that
are too complex (“Creating a Web Page for Your
Small Business,” “Landing a Plane in an
Emergency”). I also request that you avoid recipes
and first aid procedures.
See the page titled “Topic Ideas for Procedures” for
more ideas about topics.
A Note about Chapter 12
Chapter 12 is a long and dense chapter that provides a
lot of information about many different kinds of
visuals, the purpose and design of each type, etc. Read
the chapter carefully, and consider it your introduction
to the concept. You don’t need to commit to memory
every aspect of visual design and use, but you should
walk away from the chapter with a good understanding
of how and why writers use visuals.
Even if you find that much of the material contained in
Chapter 12 doesn’t apply to your assignment for this
unit, you will be using this information when you
plan and draft your Formal Report in Unit #6.
While you are likely to use illustrations or photographs
for your Instruction Sheet, in your Formal Report you
are more likely to use graphs and/or tables. Learning
about these types of visuals now will save you time and
energy at the end of the semester when you are working
on the Formal Report.
Your Next Step
Read Chapters 19 and 12 in the text and the online
notes that accompany them.
The sooner you can come up with a topic for the
assignment, the better off you’ll be, so start
brainstorming ideas.
Learning Outcomes for Unit #4:
To receive a grade of C/75 or better on your Unit
#4 assignment you must be able to do the
❑ Create an Audience Use profile that
demonstrates careful consideration of the
needs of the reader, and which informs the
content of the actual instruction sheet.
❑ Write an instruction sheet that includes
necessary elements (a clear, limiting title and
introduction; visuals; an appropriate level of
detail and technicality; examples;
troubleshooting advice; logically ordered
steps; notes and hazard warnings, etc.).
❑ Design an instruction sheet that has an
effective, appropriate, easy-to-read format
(appropriate use of topic headings, font size,
font highlighting, white space, numbered
steps, careful placement of visuals in relation
to text, etc.).
❑ Include images in the instruction sheet that
are appropriate for the topic and audience;
that are properly placed, numbered, titled,
and referred to in the text; and that contribute
to the reader’s understanding of the
❑ Write an instruction sheet that includes no
more than 3-4 serious errors in sentence
construction, grammar, usage, or
punctuation. Sentences should show
evidence of appropriate and professional
style and diction.

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