Assignment: Smart Technology

Assignment: Smart Technology

Assignment: Smart Technology

Assignment: Smart Technology


Week 8 discussion Discuss one way your organization is integrating smart technology and medical devices to provide high-quality patient care in your current healthcare organization. Describe how smart technology enhances quality of patient care and safety in your current healthcare organization. Analyze the role of the nurse manager in supporting the integration and use of smart technology into nursing and healthcare.

What is Smart Technology

Machineries that permit mobile, web, databases, wireless access, and sensors to acclimatize and meet the needs of the smart preschoolers in the smart contexts. Learn more in: Smart Interactive Game-Based System for Preschools in Tanzania
The technologies (includes physical and logical applications in all formats) that are capable to adapt automatically and modify behavior to fit environment, senses things with technology sensors, this providing data to analyze and infer from, drawing conclusions from rules. It also is capable of learning that is using experience to improve performance, anticipating, thinking and reasoning about what to do next, with the ability to self-generate and self-sustain. Learn more in: Regional Development Getting Smarter with ICT
Information and communication technologies used to improve the management of territories and businesses. Include, big data, cloud services, Internet of Things, end-user Internet service system, artificial intelligence, among others. Learn more in: Citizen Perceptions and Support for Smart City Projects: The Case of “Smart Santander”


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